
Education is the best way to inspire

Motivating staff in hospitality is key. Education is the best way to inspire

By offering ongoing learning, businesses empower their employees, fostering excellence and innovation. Well-trained staff boost guest satisfaction and loyalty. So, investing in education is crucial for success in hospitality.

We do care

At The School of Authentic Hospitality, we offer comprehensive hospitality education for individuals and partners in the hotel and restaurant businesses. Our mission is to provide accessible learning opportunities that empower individuals and support our partners in enhancing staff skills. Through innovative curriculum design and expert instruction, we aim to elevate industry standards and foster collaboration for mutual success.

Our Values

We prioritize five core values that drive our mission and define our commitment to excellence in hospitality education. Excellence guides every aspect of our work, ensuring that we deliver top-tier courses and expert instruction to our learners and partners. Accessibility is fundamental to our approach, as we believe that education should be accessible to all, empowering individuals and businesses in the hospitality industry to thrive. Collaboration is key to our success, as we work closely with our partners in hotels, restaurants, and other sectors to enhance staff skills and drive mutual success. Innovation fuels our efforts, as we continuously seek to innovate in curriculum design and teaching methods to deliver relevant and impactful learning experiences. Integrity is at the heart of everything we do, as we uphold the highest standards of professionalism and ethics in all aspects of our operations, earning the trust and respect of our learners and partners alike.

Online Learning is the Future of Education

Morbi felis sapien, tempor sit amet eleifend eget, dignissim non tellus. Ut ut tempor est. Etiam ullamcorper libero sed turpis tempus ultrices eget in enim. Morbi tellus mauris, lobortis id tellus nec, ultrices iaculis lectus. Phasellus eget leo eu turpis vulputate scelerisque eu lobortis eros. Nulla facilisi. Etiam finibus leo purus, ac vehicula justo sagittis eget.

Integer orci nibh, cursus ac nunc et, mattis ullamcorper massa. Donec ac sapien turpis. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ut leo pretium, fermentum ante a, pellentesque ligula. Nunc facilisis, tellus facilisis ornare tristique, libero felis rutrum urna, accumsan interdum nibh arcu eget urna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus scelerisque ut nunc vel maximus.

Praesent ut leo pretium, fermentum ante a, pellentesque ligula. Nunc facilisis, tellus facilisis ornare tristique, libero felis rutrum urna, accumsan interdum nibh arcu eget urna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus scelerisque ut nunc vel maximus.

91% of students admitted that online learning is equal to or better than traditional classroom education as per a survey conducted by the Online Learning Consortium,

Students overwhelmingly appreciate the flexibility and convenience offered by online studying. 

The Online Learning Consortium reports that 79% of academic leaders rate the learning outcomes of online education as equal to or superior to those of face-to-face instruction.

Interactive Learning: Many online courses incorporate multimedia elements, quizzes, and discussion forums, fostering interactive and engaging

A Learning House study found that 44% of online students experienced improved employment status, leading to long-term cost savings

Cost-Effectiveness: Online courses are more affordable, with lower tuition fees and no commuting or accommodation expenses.

Elevate Your Hospitality Career. Enroll Now!

Learning online hospitality courses is crucial for staying competitive in the rapidly evolving hospitality industry, providing essential skills and knowledge to excel in various roles and meet the demands of guests

Top Courses

Customer Service Excellence in Hospitality

Old fashioned golden service bell and reception sign placed on wooden counter of hotel with retro interior

Front Office Operations

Man Teaching Woman in Front of Monitor

Leadership and Team Management in Hospitality

Guest Service Staff pulling a Serving Tray

Introduction to Hospitality Management

Receptionist in Uniform Standing behind Front Desk

Hotel Operations Management

Depth of Field Photo of Clear Drinking Glass on White Table Near Plate

Food and Beverage Management

Macbook Air on Grey Wooden Table

Hospitality Marketing and Sales

Financial report. Data presentation, expense and cost calculations.

Revenue Management in Hospitality

People Toasting Wine Glasses

Event Management and Planning